For this project, T&M worked in conjunction with ECT2, Inc. (ECT2) to successfully design and install the first ion-exchange (IX) resin PFAS treatment system for municipal drinking water to be permitted by NJDEP. ECT2 completed an on-site pilot test, comparing granular activated carbon (GAC) and IX resin to determine which of the two technologies would be most cost-effective for West Deptford. IX resin was selected as the preferred treatment method, and ECT2 supplied the treatment equipment for this project. The 1,000-gallons-per-minute (gpm) treatment system removes perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) to non-detect levels. The system is comprised of two parallel treatment trains, each with lead-lag IX resin vessels.
The PFAS-impacted well was Well No. 8 in West Deptford Township. This well was shut down in 2015 due to detections of PFNA in the Third Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 3) sampling. During 2018 and 2019, the Township completed a pilot study of the IX technology, in partnership with the responsible party (RP) for the PFNA contamination, who agreed to assist with these efforts. In July 2019, as representatives for the Township, T&M prepared an Engineer’s Report evaluating the current water quality, pilot study results and plans for next steps.
T&M managed all facets of the project, including collaboration with the responsible party, treatment technology vendors, equipment suppliers, and construction contractors. T&M prepared all design documents for bidding and managed the construction of the building to house the treatment system as well as the infrastructure, equipment and site work associated with the treatment system. T&M was also involved in the start-up and commissioning of a new
PFAS treatment plant.
All work was performed to the satisfaction of the client and was paid for by the RP, as part of a litigation settlement agreement. T&M managed and maintained key stakeholder relationships with the settling parties. Construction was completed in May 2020. Other NJ municipalities often visit the site to observe the work and the IX resin technology in operation.