ReNEW Jersey Business Summit: How to ‘build back better’

April 12, 2022
Gary Dahms, president & CEO of T&M Associates, met with Martin Daks at NJBIZ for a preview of what to expect during the Infrastructure & Energy Industry Leadership Panel at the ReNEW Jersey Business Summit: A Time for Answers taking place in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
The infusion of an estimated $8 billion for New Jersey’s highways, roads and bridges as part of the bi-partisan federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act offers a tremendous opportunity to improve healthy, safety and quality of life. Gary stated, “we recognize the need to continue to protect the environment and ensure that the needs of the state’s residents are met, but we also need to find the right balance and not put obstacles in the path of businesses as they work to improve our infrastructure. In the long run, everyone can benefit from these improvements, and we’re pleased to be part of the process.”
For subscribers, view the full article in NJBIZ here. Or a pdf can be viewed here.